Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Breaking New!!! WHY TONTO DIKEH all the time???
Friday, 25 January 2013
The Deal With Agencies & Test Shoots for Portfolio Building
When you sign with an agency you’re well on your way towards a bright and promising modeling career. The first step is to do your first photoshoot for the purpose of building not only your portfolio but your comp card as well. In this day and age of the Internet, many modeling agencies post their models’ portfolios online as well as the print version of the portfolio, which is commonly referred to as a model’s “book.” Of course all this costs money but whose supposed to cover those costs? Should anyone have to pay at all? What about test shoots?
This is a topic that needs to be clarified because I know too many people who have misconceptions and their own idea of what the right answer is. I’ve seen veins bulge out of people’s foreheads while arguing adamantly about what they believe is supposed to be true about this subject (or typing in all caps online screaming their beliefs). Hopefully I can set the record straight.
Once you sign with an agency it is up to the agency and only the agency about how to handle your portfolio shoot. There are three options they can choose from:
1. They will arrange a test shoot, which means you won’t have to pay a dime and neither will the agency. Or they may allow you to find your own photographer to shoot with and give you a deadline for when to have the images turned in by.
2. You’ll have to cover the costs. It isn’t uncommon for a model to pay for the cost of his/her portfolio shoot, which often includes the cost of printing.
3. The agency will pay for your portfolio shoot and the printing costs, which they will later take out of your earnings for reimbursement once you start booking work.
Again, the agency will decide what course to take. Many believe that if an agency does not pay for your portfolio then they are a scam or not a real agency. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The only time this would apply would be if a so-called “agency” was trying to charge you upfront fees to pay for putting together a portfolio before offering you a contract. That’s a no-no. However, if you’re already signed, then they are within their rights to request that you pay.
Agencies each have their own reasons for deciding whether a model should cover the costs or not. Smaller agencies in smaller markets often don’t have the budgets needed to cover model portfolio expenses, but larger and well-known agencies have models pay for their portfolios all the time. Fashion agencies tend to be more welcoming to covering the costs, while many commercial/print agencies have their models handle it. Some agencies simply don’t want to risk losing out on money. For example, say an agency pays for a new model’s portfolio and other expenses but she gets little to no work afterwards. The agency loses out. This is the business side of it. Any business will do what’s necessary to protect itself financially.
Models typically don’t mind paying for this expense because it really is a small investment into their career that is quickly made back once they start working. If there is anytime I say it’s okay to pay for something in your modeling career, it would be this. But only if you already have a contract signed…not before.
The actual cost of the shoot can range anywhere from $200-600, maybe more but that’s the general range. Remember, you’re paying for more than just images. You have a whole crew devoted to you and the cost often includes printing fees for hard copies for your book and putting together your comp/zed card.
If you’re a model who got your portfolio expenses covered, kudos to you, but if you aren’t, don’t feel like you’re less of a model or that your career and agency are any less legit than the next.
9 Smart Ways to Keep Your Marriage Healthy at Any Age
Each decade will have its own drama, be it child rearing, layoffs,
second careers, and middle-aged angst, along with a big helping of the
in-sickness-and-in-health stuff. Here’s how to have a healthy
relationship every step of the way.
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes decades of time together strewn with a minefield of potential
relationship wreckers. It’s a wonder that anyone ends up walking off into the sunset, hand-in-wrinkled-hand, with
a silver-haired mate. What do those geriatric lovebirds know that you don’t?
Well, the truth is that even in so-called happy marriages, both partners probably fantasize some of the time—or
even much of the time—about throwing in the towel. A new Woman’s Day and AOL Living poll found that a
shocking 72% of women surveyed have considered leaving their husbands at some point. But despite the
occasional rocky patch, 71% expected to be with their husbands for the rest of their lives. So how do you make it
to the finish line with your relationship intact?
Each decade will have its own drama, be it child-rearing, layoffs, second careers, and middle-aged angst, along
with a big helping of the in-sickness-and-in-health stuff. Here’s how to have a healthy relationship every step of
the way.
1. Watch your waistline
Now that you’re married, you can finally relax and skip the gym, right? Wrong. Wedded couples tend to have
fatter waistlines, which can spell trouble in terms of sexual attraction and general health. A 2007 study published
in the New England Journal of Medicine found that your chances of becoming obese increase by 37% if your
spouse becomes obese. So unless you want “till death do us part” to include chronic health issues like heart
disease and diabetes, it’s important to establish healthy eating habits early on. But warding off weight gain isn’t as
simple as whipping up a healthy meal together. Eating with anyone—from your spouse to coworker—can cause
you to consume 33% more than you would solo.
Being aware of the potential fatty pitfalls of marital bliss may be enough to keep your portion sizes in check.
Spend couple time checking out local farmers' markets on the weekends in an effort to consumer fresher, lowcalorie
fare. Or schedule an exercise date to work off some of your hearty, homemade dinners.
2. Have a financial plan
Nearly 40% of married people admit to lying to their spouse about a purchase, according to a 2004 poll, and
money woes can quickly send your marriage south. In fact, money is the number-one reason couples fight, and
relationships tend to suffer during poor economies. You should discuss and agree upon some hard financial
ground rules, preferably before you tie the knot.
Don’t fret if you’re a spendthrift and your partner pinches pennies. “It’s probably not a good thing to have the
exact same philosophy about money, “ says Ken Robbins, MD, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University
of Wisconsin–Madison. “But financial issues are best to resolve early on. You want to decide who is going to pay
the bills, how much discretionary spending is reasonable, and how you’re going to keep track of it all.”
3. Figure out your family rules
Couples spend the first 5 to 10 years of their marriage butting heads over how their family should work, says Dr.
Robbins. “People often don’t realize that they come into a marriage with an idea of how a family works based on
their own family—whether they liked them or not,” he adds. You can end up fighting over something as trivial as
how you should hang your toilet paper, but those little issues can add up to big problems, particularly if children
enter the picture. A 2004 study found that how a couple manages parenting responsibilities when the child is an
infant is associated with the quality of their marriage two-and-a-half years later.
You and your partner may have vastly different ideas about how a child should be cared for and what constitutes
family together time. If one of you is working, should the other partner get up with the baby at night, or should
you take turns? Is it important for you to sit down to dinner as a family every night? “You need to figure out how
you can live together happily while each maintaining your own sense of self,” says Dr. Robbins.
4. Make sex a priority—but not a chore
While you should make sex a priority, you shouldn’t pencil it in on your planner. If you schedule sex, it becomes
a responsibility—just like taking out the trash, says Andrew Goldstein, MD, an obstetrician and gynecologist at
the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, in Baltimore, and the coauthor of Reclaiming Desire. The average married
couple has sex 58 times per year, or slightly more than once a week. And a recent eight-year study found that 90%
of couples experienced a decrease in marital satisfaction after the birth of their first child. Yikes!
But it doesn’t matter whether you’re having sex five times a week or five times a year—as long as both of you are
happy, says Dr. Goldstein. In fact, a 2008 study found that couples who reported any kind of marital intimacy—
everything from holding hands to sex—exhibited lower levels of a hormone produced by stress.
5. Be flexible
Whatever financial and household arrangements you agreed to in your 20s or 30s, chances are they’re going to
change at some point in your marriage. Men account for 82% of recent job losses during this recession, meaning
couples are making some hard choices when it comes to both their careers and their checking accounts.
If the traditional breadwinner is laid off, the stay-at-home parent may need to head back into the workforce.
Conversely, if you become a stay-at-home partner—due to choice or circumstance—expect to do more of the
shopping, cleaning, and other chores that make a household run smoothly. A recent analysis of government data
found that employed women spend significantly more time on child care and housework than employed men—and
unemployed men.
Having an open discussion of how household duties need to change can help couples weather some tough
transitions. “Everyone has a role within the relationship and as long as there’s a greater good, it’s not a question
about whether it’s his money or her money,” says Dr. Goldstein. “It’s their money. Your paycheck and your
career are not the value of your worth.”
6. Stay active as you age
If you’re like most American couples, you don’t exercise or you stopped regularly exercising when you had
children. Try to find new ways to stay active as a couple, whether it’s hitting the tennis courts or hiking trails. A
1995 study found that couples who work out together are more likely to stick with an exercise program. And
some experts suggest that couples who exercise more frequently tend to have better sex lives.
Pick up a life sport that you can enjoy together for decades to come, like golf, tennis, or hiking. You don’t need to
be seriously sweating to reap the benefits of regular exercise. Experts say that moderate exercise is enough to help
stave off heart disease and other ailments.
7. Gab (a little) to your friend
In the last decade, researchers have noted a rise in “gray divorce,” or couples over 50 who are calling it quits.
While it’s tempting—and often prudent—to keep couple conversations behind closed doors, you may actually
benefit from blabbing to a close friend.
“It’s often helpful to talk to couple friends when these big issues come up,” says Dr. Robbins. “Many couples live
very privately and discuss these issues with the shades down, but relationship issues like this can often benefit
from hearing how people that you trust dealt with a similar situation.” Whether it’s hearing how a friend dealt with
her husband’s infidelity or other big hurdles, a little empathy can put things in perspective. But keep your gabbing
under control. “Clearly it’s never a good idea to say anything—even to a close friend—that you wouldn’t want
repeated back to your spouse in five years,” warns Dr. Goldstein.
8. Rediscover each other as a couple, sans kids
Forget empty nest syndrome—a 2008 study found that marital satisfaction actually improves once children leave
home. Female participants reported spending equal amounts of time with their partners both while their children
lived at home and after, but they noted that the quality of that together time was better once the kids were out of the
picture. “Suddenly the tyranny of the children controlling the household is relieved,” says Dr. Robbins. “You
don’t have to have dinner at 6, you don’t have to spend Saturdays at the soccer field, and you don’t have to be so
responsible all the time.” Use this newfound freedom to bend the rules a bit and rediscover what you love about
each other.
But if marital problems have already been bubbling, an empty nest can reveal serious tension. “All of a sudden the
noise is gone,” says Dr. Robbins. “If you didn’t have much to talk about, it suddenly becomes more apparent once
the kids are gone.”
9. Be a conscious caregiver
In the event of a serious illness, spouses who assume the role of caregiver often develop a sense of “caregiver
burden” and may become ill themselves. So it’s vital that both spouses ask for help when they need it. Getting out
to see friends and socialize is particularly important for caregivers. And realize that you both have limitations.
“The spouse who needs help typically feels guilty and frustrated. The spouse who has to help feels controlled by
it,” says Dr. Robbins. “While you can’t fix those issues, you at least need to be open about them.”
10 ways to boost your PR career in 2013
With 2013 well underway, I’ve been reflecting on ways to be a smarter, happier, and
more productive professional. Here are my suggestions for professional resolutions:
Take risks and challenge authority.
The most successful relationships are built on mutual respect. Instead of saying
“yes,” when given an assignment, carefully consider business implications. Don’t be
afraid to offer ideas and solutions that may seem against the norm. Your ability to
take initiative, generate new ideas, and deliver thoughtful counsel will earn you
respect and grow your role beyond that of a tactician and into a true strategist.
Affect change as much as possible.
Focus on clients, projects, and priorities with the highest opportunities for meaningful
results. Don’t get distracted by process or minutia.
Stop complaining.
It is easy to dwell on reasons our career, lives, and families are challenging,
unreasonable, or stressful. In 2013, instead of staying on the complaint hamster
wheel, take control and change your situation for the better. And as the cliché goes,
“choose your battles”—stop stressing about organizational or personal situations you
truly cannot change.
Avoid drama.
You are never going to win an argument with someone who isn’t rational. Instead,
turn the demand or rant your boss or client spouted into a calm and positive
opportunity. Don’t get defensive or seek validation; overcome your need to be right or
prove a point. Walk away from situations that truly aren’t worth your energy. This
includes office gossip.
Admit you’re human.
Take responsibility for your errors. Admitting you are wrong and working to rectify the
situation in a thoughtful manner builds camaraderie and encourages an honest
approach to business.
Maintain perspective.
We aren’t doing life-saving surgery, fighting a war, or solving the debt crisis. It may
feel like that sometimes, but although the work we do may be important and
meaningful, maintain perspective and lose the self-importance.
Get over it!
Your boss or client criticizes your work, or worse, you. Not everyone is going to love
your work all the time. Your openness to suggestions or criticisms and ability to learn
from them, and not dwell on the negative, will serve you well.
Turn off the devices.
Being accessible 24-hours a day not only kills work/life balance, but it also sets
unrealistic and unreasonable expectations. Truly shutting down for even a few hours
a day will lessen your stress and help you recharge your body and your brain.
Consider your legacy.
We are all too young to think about our long-term legacies, yet take a moment to
think about how you wish to be remembered and reflect on how you are living your
life. If you honestly consider how you are perceived by colleagues, friends, and
family, you may change your behavior, relationships, and perhaps even your
professional path.
Be benevolent.
Volunteer, take on a pro-bono client, and consider building your corporate social
responsibility offerings or career path. Working to improve society should be an
element of everyone’s work and lives, regardless of the profession.
Best wishes for a productive, joyful, and healthy 2013.
Lorra M. Brown is an assistant professor of public relations/professional
communication at William Paterson University in Wayne, N.J. Visit her blog or follow her on Twitter@LorraBrownPR.
Self Motivation
Have you ever gotten to a stage in your life when you think "oh am
tired, I don't won't to do this anymore or you say "no one wanna to
care about what am doing?"
Well, as at that point all you want to hear is " hey! Nice job-keep it up!"
Motivation is all you need. That push to make you do more and better
But sometimes the motivation doesn't come. No one really cares about
your existence.
See! In life, I believe one needs to motivate him or herself. Don't
wait for anyone to motivate you.
It is not easy but its worth it
How can you motivate youself?
1. You have to believe in yourself and what you are doing
No one can tell you what you are doing is good if you do not believe
that what you are doing is good. Self motivation has to come from you.
You have to value what you do. With that if anyone does not even care,
as long as you care-dats all dat matters
2. Fill your heart and mind with inspirational words.
At a time in my life I taught no one cared about me, that I was ugly
and I was absolutely nothing.
So I came to realize no one cared because I didn't care about myself.
At that point I got a paper and wrote down the following:
1. I am Adetoke Orekoya
2.I am wonderfully and beautifully made
3.God loves me no matter what
4. I can do all things
5.I am a success
6. Am a role model to my generation
I read this into my mind everyday doing that period of my life. It
helped motovate me... I started working towards making myself better
without anyone's help.
To my surprise, I got progress and even began receiving remarks that
helped motivate me.
Try it! It helps to erase fear and increase faith in yourself and what you do
Self motivation is important, it is one of the important steps to success.
Written by Adetoke Orekoya
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Tourism in Kerala
Kerala, a state situated on the tropical Malabar Coast of southwestern India, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. Named as one of the ten paradises of the worldby the National Geographic Traveler,[1] Kerala is famous especially for its ecotourism initiatives.[2] Its unique culture and traditions, coupled with its varied demography, has made Kerala one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Growing at a rate of 13.31%, the tourism industry is a major contributor to the state's economy.[3]
Until the early 1980s, Kerala was a relatively unknown destination, with most tourism circuits concentrated around the north of the country. Aggressive marketing campaigns launched by the Kerala Tourism Development Corporation—the government agency that oversees tourism prospects of the state—laid the foundation for the growth of the tourism industry. In the decades that followed, Kerala Tourism was able to transform itself into one of the niche holiday destinations in India. The tag line Kerala- God's Own Country was adopted in its tourism promotions and became a global superbrand. Kerala is regarded as one of the destinations with the highest brand recall.[4] In 2010, Kerala attracted 0.66 million foreign tourist arrivals.[5]
Kerala is an established tourist destination for both Indians and non-Indians alike. Kerala is popular for her beaches, backwaters, mountain ranges and wildlife sanctuaries. The city ofKochi ranks first in the total number of international and domestic tourists in Kerala.[6][7] Other popular attractions in the state include the beaches at Kovalam, Cherai and Varkala; backwater tourism and lake resorts around Vembanad Lake, Kumarakom and Alapuzha; hill stations and resorts at Munnar, Wayanad, Nelliampathi, Vagamon and Ponmudi; and national parks and wildlife sanctuaries at Periyar and Eravikulam National Park. The "backwaters" region—an extensive network of interlocking rivers, lakes, and canals that centre on Alleppey, Kumarakom, and Punnamada—also see heavy tourist traffic. Heritage sites, such as the Padmanabhapuram Palace, Hill Palace, Mattancherry Palace are also visited. The city of Kochi ranks first in the total number of international and domestic tourist arrivals in Kerala
Major Attractions
Varkala beach
Flanked on the western coast by the Arabian Sea, Kerala has a long coastline of 580 km (360 mi); all of which is virtually dotted with sandy beaches.
Kovalam beach near Thiruvananthapuram was among the first beaches in Kerala to attract tourists. Rediscovered by back-packers and tan-seekers in the sixties and followed by hordes of hippies in the seventies, Kovalam is today the most visited beach in the state.
Other popularly visited beaches in the state include those at Alappuzha Beach, Nattika beach[Thrissur], Vadanappilly beach[Thrissur], Cherai Beach, Kappad, Marari beach, Fort Kochiand Varkala. The Muzhappilangad Beach beach at Kannur is the only drive-in beach in India.
The backwaters in Kerala are a chain of brackish lagoons and lakes lying parallel to the Arabian Sea coast (known as the Malabar Coast).Houseboat or Kettuvalam rides in the backwaters are a major tourist attraction. Backwater tourism is centered mostly around Alappuzhakollam and Kumarakom. Boat races held during festival seasons are also a major tourist attraction in the backwater regions.
The backwater network includes large lakes such as the Vembanad Lake being the largest among them, linked by 1500 km of canals, both man-made and natural and fed by several rivers, and extending virtually the entire length of Kerala state. The backwaters were formed by the action of waves and shore currents creating low barrier islands across the mouths of the many rivers flowing down from the Western Ghats range.
Monday, 23 April 2012
Celebrity Interview of the Week
To some people only the males are in the business of Disc Jockey
but the reverse is the case here, as we introduce to you Sexy DJ Trish. She shares with us her experiences in the business
Let us meet you
Am Udeachu Tricia C and i am popularly known as Sexy dj Trish.Am a Nigeria, I hail from Anambra state
Educational Background
I attended Disciplined Nursery school Enugu.Zik’s Avenue primary School Enugu,Girls Grammer School Enugu and finally Institute of Management and Technology Enugu,where I studied Science Laboratory Technology
Tell us what you do for a living
I disc jock for a living and also a corper right now,serving in bwari Area council Abuja.Serving my father’s land.Naija 4 life
. How long have you been in the profession
I ve been a disc jockey for 3yrs
Tell us your Hobbies
I love reading good novels both fiction and non fiction .I also love swimming and finally I love listening to good music because without music am so lost
. What have been the Challenges so far
My challenges are people trying to put me down.Some say why Disc jockeying why not do other stuffs that women do. But I strive on because I love my job. It makes me so happy,I just come alive anytime am on DJ set and on stage
. How do you relax
Relax mostly by chilling with my sibblings watching movie together or goin swimming together and also chilling out with my friends
. Do you have any regret been a DJ
No regrets because I have passion for my job
. How do you cope with your Male fans
They are cool they are my fans I love my fans both males and females Hugs
. What is your source of inspiration
My source of inspiration are strong women of subtance I look up to them and also my family inspires me too and most importantly Word of God keeps me strong and going
Hope to be bigger than I am now, Nationaly and internationaly
What advice do you have for upcoming Dj's
My advice is to be strong and have passion for your job.Money wil surely come.With determination and prayer success is a must.
Last message for your fans
I love you all and God will continue blessing you and making yall bigger because without your believe,trust and support in me I wouldn’t be where I am.And there will be more spicey and sexy spinning coing from
your girl Sexy Dj Trish follow on twitter
deejaytrishc @
deejay.t.c1 on facebook
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
'BASKETBALL WIVES' STAR Sues Over Slap Fight -- I'm Soooo Traumatized!!!
Basketball Wives" star Jennifer Williams is finally fighting back after being slapped in the face by her reality show nemesis Nia Crooks ... with a big, fat, stinging lawsuit.
TMZ broke the story ... Williams filed a police report after the January 21 incident, in which she claims Crooks delivered an "open hand" slap to the left side of her face during a group outing to a race track in Florida.
The incident was caught on tape by the "Basketball Wives" crew and aired last week. During the melee, Crooks threatened Williams right before the attack ... saying, "Do I need to slap you in the face to wake you up?"
Williams replied, "I wish you would." She got her wish.
Williams has now followed up with a civil suit in NY ... going after Nia's ass for assault and battery. In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Jennifer claims she suffered serious injuries in the attack ... as well as "mental shock, mental anguish and psychological trauma”
Williams is demanding Nia fork over a massive check for all of her medical expenses and other damages.
Calls to Crooks have not been returned.
TMZ broke the story ... Williams filed a police report after the January 21 incident, in which she claims Crooks delivered an "open hand" slap to the left side of her face during a group outing to a race track in Florida.
The incident was caught on tape by the "Basketball Wives" crew and aired last week. During the melee, Crooks threatened Williams right before the attack ... saying, "Do I need to slap you in the face to wake you up?"
Williams replied, "I wish you would." She got her wish.
Williams has now followed up with a civil suit in NY ... going after Nia's ass for assault and battery. In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Jennifer claims she suffered serious injuries in the attack ... as well as "mental shock, mental anguish and psychological trauma”
Williams is demanding Nia fork over a massive check for all of her medical expenses and other damages.
Calls to Crooks have not been returned.
Army parades 62-year-old fake colonel
The Nigerian Army, 2nd Division on Tuesday in Ibadan, Oyo State, paraded 62- year-old dismissed Corporal Adeleke Johnson, for claiming to be a serving colonel.
The suspect was also accused of duping some unsuspecting youths by organising fake recruitment exercise into the Army.
Adeleke, who was paraded along with the youth, confessed that he was dismissed from the Army in 1981 for selling the command’s diesel in Lagos without authorisation. The suspect was wearing a fake Army vest when he was paraded.
The fake colonel, who allegedly assured the youth that he could secure admission for them (24 youths) into the Army School, was said to have collected about N2m from his victims.
The victims (both males and females), comprising university graduates, undergraduates and artisans are from Ekiti, Osun and Ondo states. Their ages are between 17 and 29.
While addressing journalists on Tuesday, the General Officer Commanding the division, Maj. Gen. Muhammed Abubakar, said a Good Samaritan alerted the command about the suspect’s activities.
According to the GOC, Adeleke had visited the command and was given the compliments of a senior officer, but unknown to them, he was a dismissed soldier.
Abubakar said, “He allegedly told the unsuspecting parents that he would train their children in the Nigerian Army Intelligence College, Tego Barracks, Lagos.
“To corroborate his mischievous acts, Adeleke connived with some printers to print fake admission letters, produce T.shirts and track suits with 2 Division mascot (Tiger) and the Nigerian Army Intelligence Corps logos printed on them and sold them to the victims.”
This, according to him, is to convince the victims of the authenticity of his scheme.
“It was also found out that he was involved in a syndicate that extorted money from innocent members of the public,” Abubakar added.
Adeleke, who said that he hailed from Okuku in the Odo Otin Local Government area of Osun State, said he was an auto mechanic in the Army before he was dismissed.
He stated that he bought the military kits from Lagos to dupe his victims.
The father of three said he carried out his “business” all alone without involving anybody else. He said, “I feel bad for myself. I was doing it to survive but now this is the end of the road for me.”
Among his victims are a 200-Level student of the Ogun State University, Folakemi Alase; and 29-year-old Niyi Alomoge, who said after being trained to jog in Ipetu Ijesa, they were lodged in a hotel in Ibadan.
The GOC said the Nigerian Army recruitment, which was always done through wide publicity, usually held only once in a year. He appealed to the public to quickly report fraudulent activities they notice d in their areas to the security agencies.
The GOC said Adeleke would be handed over to the police for further investigation and prosecution.
Monday, 16 April 2012
New World Bank president emerges today
The high wire politics, lobbying and deal-making for the election of the new World Bank president ends today as the Board of the Bretton Woods institution meets to pick its new helmsman, just as Mo Ibrahim Foundation has warned the United States to relax its stranglehold on the bank and allow a merit-based election process.
Today’s election is a straight battle between Nigeria’s Finance Minister and Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Dr. (Mrs) Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, and the U.S. nominee, Dr. Jim Yong Kim, a Korean-American health expert, who appears almost certain to secure the post.
The third candidate, Jose Antonio Ocampo, a former Colombian Finance minister, withdrew on Friday to brighten Mrs Okonjo-Iweala’s chances of clinching the plum job.
And with the board of the bank meeting today, Ocampo said he hoped emerging-market nations would rally behind the Nigerian Finance Minister in a race that he said had turned highly political. Ocampo, who was nominated by Brazil, said his candidacy had been ‘handicapped’ by a lack of support from his own country. Colombia said last month it was focusing on a bid for the presidency of the International Labour Organization (ILO), where it had a greater chance of success.
“It is clear that the process is shifting from a strict merit-based competition, in which my candidacy stood on strong grounds, into a more political-oriented exercise,” he said in a statement.“In this process, I stand on weaker grounds due to the lack of open support from the government of my home country, Colombia,” he added.
Okonjo-Iweala thanked Ocampo and said his presence had helped to further a shared goal of an open selection process. “I am proud that Dr. Ocampo and I have helped make history by changing the way that World Bank presidential elections are contested,” she said in a statement.
Although his decision to leave the race does not mean all the developing countries will support Okonjo-Iweala when the World Bank board tries to find consensus in today’s meeting on a successor to Robert Zoellick, who is departing in June. Read more
Today’s election is a straight battle between Nigeria’s Finance Minister and Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Dr. (Mrs) Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, and the U.S. nominee, Dr. Jim Yong Kim, a Korean-American health expert, who appears almost certain to secure the post.
The third candidate, Jose Antonio Ocampo, a former Colombian Finance minister, withdrew on Friday to brighten Mrs Okonjo-Iweala’s chances of clinching the plum job.
And with the board of the bank meeting today, Ocampo said he hoped emerging-market nations would rally behind the Nigerian Finance Minister in a race that he said had turned highly political. Ocampo, who was nominated by Brazil, said his candidacy had been ‘handicapped’ by a lack of support from his own country. Colombia said last month it was focusing on a bid for the presidency of the International Labour Organization (ILO), where it had a greater chance of success.
“It is clear that the process is shifting from a strict merit-based competition, in which my candidacy stood on strong grounds, into a more political-oriented exercise,” he said in a statement.“In this process, I stand on weaker grounds due to the lack of open support from the government of my home country, Colombia,” he added.
Okonjo-Iweala thanked Ocampo and said his presence had helped to further a shared goal of an open selection process. “I am proud that Dr. Ocampo and I have helped make history by changing the way that World Bank presidential elections are contested,” she said in a statement.
Although his decision to leave the race does not mean all the developing countries will support Okonjo-Iweala when the World Bank board tries to find consensus in today’s meeting on a successor to Robert Zoellick, who is departing in June. Read more
Girl in detention for four years over phone theft
The case of Blessing Effiong, a 20-year-old inmate awaiting trial at the female section of Kirikiri Prisons, Lagos, perhaps typifies the injustice suffered by the poor in the Nigerian society.
The Akwa-Ibom indigene, who was interviewed by the Attorney-General of the state, Mr. Ade Ipaye, and representatives of the Office of the Public Defender, during a visit to the prisons to evaluate the number of awaiting trial persons there, narrated in detail how she had been incarcerated since the age of 16 because she could not afford the services of a lawyer.
She said, “In 2008, I bought a Starcomms phone for N10,000 in order to start a business centre. A few days later, a man called me and said the phone was stolen from him. I told the man I didn’t know it was stolen. We had an agreement that I should return the phone and he would refund my money.
Read More
Daniel faces fresh fraud charges in Abeokuta today
Former Ogun State Governor, Otunba Gbenga Daniel, will be re-arraigned by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission for 38 counts of abuse of office and misappropriation of public funds before Justice Olanrewaju Mabekoje of the State High Court, Abeokuta on Monday (today).
Our correspondent learnt on Sunday that the decision to re-arraign Daniel followed the request granted by Ogun State Chief Judge, Justice Tokunbo Olopade, to the EFCC to prefer information against Daniel.
A notice by the Chief Judge read, “I hereby give my consent to the Federal Government of Nigeria to prefer information against the above-named accused person.”
The spokesperson for the EFCC, Mr. Wilson Uwujaren, had aid, “The EFCC had through its counsel, Rotimi Jacobs, filed an application for leave to prefer an information under section 340 (2) (b) of the criminal procedure laws of Ogun State 2006, charge No. EFCC/01/2012, Federal Republic of Nigeria vs. Otunba Justus Olugbenga Daniel.”
The notice, which was said to have been dated March 30, 2012 and signed by the Chief Judge, had given the FG the go-ahead to arraign the former governor Read More
Our correspondent learnt on Sunday that the decision to re-arraign Daniel followed the request granted by Ogun State Chief Judge, Justice Tokunbo Olopade, to the EFCC to prefer information against Daniel.
A notice by the Chief Judge read, “I hereby give my consent to the Federal Government of Nigeria to prefer information against the above-named accused person.”
The spokesperson for the EFCC, Mr. Wilson Uwujaren, had aid, “The EFCC had through its counsel, Rotimi Jacobs, filed an application for leave to prefer an information under section 340 (2) (b) of the criminal procedure laws of Ogun State 2006, charge No. EFCC/01/2012, Federal Republic of Nigeria vs. Otunba Justus Olugbenga Daniel.”
The notice, which was said to have been dated March 30, 2012 and signed by the Chief Judge, had given the FG the go-ahead to arraign the former governor Read More
Friday, 13 April 2012
Hit producer Michael ‘Don Jazzy’ Collins has responded to the leaked e-mail correspondence between himself and former Mo’Hits label partner D’banj.Read More
Seyi Law joins the League of Married Men
Award-winning standup comedian Oluwaseyitan Aletile aka Seyi Law is enjoying marital bliss without bating an eyelid. The love-throb comedian's marriage to his heartthrob, Ebere Cham was a year old last month. The upwardly mobile comedian is so enthusiastic about having children because he wants to be a better father than his dad..Read More
How Ella won Miss Idoma crown
After several attempts to win the Miss Idoma title, beautiful Miss Berela Mercy Ella was finally was recently crowned the Most Beautiful Girl in Idomaland in a keenly contested race. In a recent chat, the down to earth graduate of English Language from Benue State University, Makurdi said being a queen is a wonderful experience but at the same time tasking.
love the attention I receive in public places and from some prominent Nigerians, I love waving and smiling to a cheering crowd and so on, but the task is great because the people especially the youth are expecting something tangible from me. So, I do more of thinking than partying.”
On how she emerged winner, the Ogobia-Otukpo-born explained. “I won because something in me told me I was going to win this time. Honestly, it was a tough contest because all of us were as beautiful as the other.
But the reason why I won is that I was outstanding in all my outings and above all, it was God who made it possible for me through the prayers of my lovely Mother and my friends.
Initially my dad was never in support. He saw modeling, dancing and music as jobs for those who are not responsible but that perception latter changed after my emergence.”
Gap tooth Ella promised to make the Idoma women proud with her crown.Read More
Midnight fire kills siblings in Abeokuta
A midnight fire at Ago Ika area of Abeokuta razed a six-room bungalow, killing two children of the same parents.
They were 12-year-old Lateef Akinwunmi and his five-year-old sister, Jumoke Akinwunmi.
Our correspondent learnt that the two siblings were burnt to death when a candle, allegedly lit by their mother, sparked off fire as the children were fast asleep in their room.
Sources told our correspondent that the children died because help could not reach them as firefighters found it difficult to get to the slum their home is located.
An occupant of the house said, “We suddenly saw smoke oozing out from the house but before we could rescue the children, the fire got worse, razed the house and burnt them to death. Their mother was even helpless.”
Ogun State Police Public Relations Officer, Muyiwa Adejobi, confirmed the incident.
He said, “We are aware of the incident. By the time the fire service officials arrived, the two children had been suffocated. The parents insisted that the police should release the corpses of the children to them. We did that and they have already buried them.”
Meanwhile, barely 48 hours to the installation of the new Olu of Ilaro, three people were seriously injured when the wall of the popular Igbo Aje Market in the Yewa South Local Government town collapsed on Thursday.
The injured persons identified as Ismaila Salau, Sulaiman Onipede and Saliu Oseni were rushed to the State Hospital in Ilaro for treatment.
The three traders rescued from the rubble of the collapsed market wall at around 12.30pm belong to the butchers’ association in the market.
They were said to have been busy attending to their customers in the market when the wall collapsed on them.
Several other persons also sustained varying degrees of injuries but the incident sparked off protest from some market men and women who demonstrated at the secretariat complex of Yewa South Local Government.
They were 12-year-old Lateef Akinwunmi and his five-year-old sister, Jumoke Akinwunmi.
Our correspondent learnt that the two siblings were burnt to death when a candle, allegedly lit by their mother, sparked off fire as the children were fast asleep in their room.
Sources told our correspondent that the children died because help could not reach them as firefighters found it difficult to get to the slum their home is located.
An occupant of the house said, “We suddenly saw smoke oozing out from the house but before we could rescue the children, the fire got worse, razed the house and burnt them to death. Their mother was even helpless.”
Ogun State Police Public Relations Officer, Muyiwa Adejobi, confirmed the incident.
He said, “We are aware of the incident. By the time the fire service officials arrived, the two children had been suffocated. The parents insisted that the police should release the corpses of the children to them. We did that and they have already buried them.”
Meanwhile, barely 48 hours to the installation of the new Olu of Ilaro, three people were seriously injured when the wall of the popular Igbo Aje Market in the Yewa South Local Government town collapsed on Thursday.
The injured persons identified as Ismaila Salau, Sulaiman Onipede and Saliu Oseni were rushed to the State Hospital in Ilaro for treatment.
The three traders rescued from the rubble of the collapsed market wall at around 12.30pm belong to the butchers’ association in the market.
They were said to have been busy attending to their customers in the market when the wall collapsed on them.
Several other persons also sustained varying degrees of injuries but the incident sparked off protest from some market men and women who demonstrated at the secretariat complex of Yewa South Local Government.
NDLEA intercepts Mozambique-bound 25.4kg ephedrine
The National Drug Law Enforcement Agency has foiled attempt by a 52-year-old man to export 25.4kg of powdery substances that tested positive to ephedrine at the Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos.
A statement by the spokesman for the agency, Mr. Mitchell Ofoyeju, on Thursday stated that the drug was bound for Mozambique and was to be exported through the Nigeria Aviation Handling Company area of the MMIA.
The statement said, “The suspect Philip Anazodo, is an auto parts dealer at Trade Fair Complex, Lagos.
“He allegedly packed the drug in the soles of sandals meant for export but, the cargo was detected through a painstaking effort of men of the agency.”
The airport commander of the NDLEA, Mr. Hamza Umar, said the drug was carefully packed to avoid suspicion.
According to Umar, the plan was to send the drug as unaccompanied cargo to Mozambique.
“But we apprehended the consignor. The drug was hidden inside the soles of 11 pairs of sandals,
Celebrity Interview
This week we welcome Naija fast rising Model African Prince.Sit back, relax and enjoy the Interview
Let us meet you
My names are Prince Chidiebere Ukaegbu, Am a Nigerian, from Imo State, the only child of my parents.
Educational Background
I went to premier nusery school in Abia State, Center Maria primary school, in Abia state, my secondary school was at Baptist grammar school agbowa Lagos State, then I proceed to Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) were I studied Electrical Electronics Engineering.
What led you into Modeling?
The passion
How long have you been Modeling now?
5 years now.
What have been your Challenges so far?
Wow!!!, Trying to manage my time for other things because am a Business entrepreneur.
What your area of Specialization in Modeling?
I love run way and adverts.
How do you Cope with your female fans?
Wow!, I love my female fans and I have good relationship with them.
What should we be expecting from you in the nearest future?
Going international to compete with International models.
How has it been working with other Models?
It has been fun and we learn from each other
What was your experience in the last fashion Show?
It was wonderful, I enjoy what I do, I got more cloths than order models, smile.
What do you have to say to upcoming Models ?
Be Educated because modeling is a serious business, work hard and believe in your self.
Your last message for your fans?
I love my fans so much, without them, I won't be were I am today, they should keep supporting me and I will not disapoint them.
For more Info pls contact 08063126785.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Nigeria police Inspector Sets Wife on fire
What would make a man empty a gallon of fuel on his wife in the kitchen without regard for his 18-month-old son by the woman? That was the question on the lips of stunned patients and visitors at the Leverage Hospital, Igbo-Elerin, Okokomaiko, a suburb of Lagos State, where the doctor and his retinue of nurses are battling to save the life of a woman whose husband, a police inspector, set ablaze on Friday after a squabble.
The victim, Augustina, hails from Anambra State while her husband, Wasiu Jimoh, is from Kwara State. With burns all over her body, fluid mixed with human fat dripped ike a fountain from her face down her chest to her fingertips. Writhing in pains, the medics, Dr Bayo and the nurses, battled to give Augustina some relief as her peeling skin glued her to the hospital bed. The doctor said she had suffered second-degree burns.
Initially, she hardly uttered a word except some feeble words expressing regrets over a marriage that has gone sour barely two years after it was contracted.
How it started
The residents of 7 Tunde Lawal Street, Okokomaiko, woke up on Friday to witness a more dangerous fight between the couple said to be notorious for constantly quarreling. According to Augustina, trouble started on Thursday when she reported to the husband that a certain lady sent her an irritating text massage warning her to leave Wasiu alone, claiming that the police officer was her man. The victim, who claimed that her husband had the habit of keeping relationship with other women, said Inspector Jimoh flared up and started beating her. On Friday morning, he reportedly told her that since she was stubborn, he was going to deal with her.
She also claimed that he had constantly quarrelled with her over her demand for feeding money, adding that he frequently assaults her on the slightest provocation.According to the victim, as he was pounding her, a neighbor came to her rescue and facilitated her escape to another neighbour’s kitchen, who was cooking at that time, only for the husband to rush in and emptied a gallon of fuel upon her by the fire place. But police officer, said to be serving at the Ifako Police Station, Bariga, told the doctor that it was his wife that was bearing the keg of fuel in her hand as she made her escape into the neighbour’s kitchen. Unfortunately, he explained, the fuel exploded upon her leaving the whole place on fire.
Scared neighbours
When our correspondent visited the couple’s residence, neighbors talked about the incident in hushed tones as if all were mindful of an uncertain fate that might befall them if they said anything. Sunday Sun gathered that the victim was the fifth woman in the officer’s home, as four other women that lived with him had ran away for their dear lives. A reliable source disclosed that his first wife escaped when she realized that the man was like a time bomb that could explode on her. She is said to be presently living abroad. It was gathered that until Augustina came, no woman could live with Jimoh. But the victim, according to a close associate of the husband, believed she could change the man for good.
Augustina’s shocker
Asked if she would return to the marriage after her ordeal, Augustina reluctantly told our correspondent that she would wait for her family’s decision. According to her, she cannot give a definite response until she had heard from her family and that her mind was not made up.
Our correspondent also gathered that when the incident happened, the woman ran to her Pentecostal church pastor to show him what was left of her burnt skin before the pastor instructed her to proceed to the hospital for medical intervention. Her decision to rush to her pastor, it was explained, was because the man of God had been advising her to pray that the man could change since there is no situation too difficult for God to handle. The woman has however appealed for assistance from government and non-governmental organizations. The police officer was arrested on Friday but it was gathered that he had been granted conditional bail at press time.
The victim, Augustina, hails from Anambra State while her husband, Wasiu Jimoh, is from Kwara State. With burns all over her body, fluid mixed with human fat dripped ike a fountain from her face down her chest to her fingertips. Writhing in pains, the medics, Dr Bayo and the nurses, battled to give Augustina some relief as her peeling skin glued her to the hospital bed. The doctor said she had suffered second-degree burns.
Initially, she hardly uttered a word except some feeble words expressing regrets over a marriage that has gone sour barely two years after it was contracted.
How it started
The residents of 7 Tunde Lawal Street, Okokomaiko, woke up on Friday to witness a more dangerous fight between the couple said to be notorious for constantly quarreling. According to Augustina, trouble started on Thursday when she reported to the husband that a certain lady sent her an irritating text massage warning her to leave Wasiu alone, claiming that the police officer was her man. The victim, who claimed that her husband had the habit of keeping relationship with other women, said Inspector Jimoh flared up and started beating her. On Friday morning, he reportedly told her that since she was stubborn, he was going to deal with her.
She also claimed that he had constantly quarrelled with her over her demand for feeding money, adding that he frequently assaults her on the slightest provocation.According to the victim, as he was pounding her, a neighbor came to her rescue and facilitated her escape to another neighbour’s kitchen, who was cooking at that time, only for the husband to rush in and emptied a gallon of fuel upon her by the fire place. But police officer, said to be serving at the Ifako Police Station, Bariga, told the doctor that it was his wife that was bearing the keg of fuel in her hand as she made her escape into the neighbour’s kitchen. Unfortunately, he explained, the fuel exploded upon her leaving the whole place on fire.
Scared neighbours
When our correspondent visited the couple’s residence, neighbors talked about the incident in hushed tones as if all were mindful of an uncertain fate that might befall them if they said anything. Sunday Sun gathered that the victim was the fifth woman in the officer’s home, as four other women that lived with him had ran away for their dear lives. A reliable source disclosed that his first wife escaped when she realized that the man was like a time bomb that could explode on her. She is said to be presently living abroad. It was gathered that until Augustina came, no woman could live with Jimoh. But the victim, according to a close associate of the husband, believed she could change the man for good.
Augustina’s shocker
Asked if she would return to the marriage after her ordeal, Augustina reluctantly told our correspondent that she would wait for her family’s decision. According to her, she cannot give a definite response until she had heard from her family and that her mind was not made up.
Our correspondent also gathered that when the incident happened, the woman ran to her Pentecostal church pastor to show him what was left of her burnt skin before the pastor instructed her to proceed to the hospital for medical intervention. Her decision to rush to her pastor, it was explained, was because the man of God had been advising her to pray that the man could change since there is no situation too difficult for God to handle. The woman has however appealed for assistance from government and non-governmental organizations. The police officer was arrested on Friday but it was gathered that he had been granted conditional bail at press time.
Riot at Federal Polytechnic Oko Anambra, after Masquerade Kills two Student
Two students were yesterday feared dead after masquerades in Oko community allegedly attacked students of the Federal Polytechnic Oko, Anambra state in their hostels outside the campus.
However, students of the school, Monday morning took to the streets to protest the alleged killing. According to an eyewitness, the masquerades attacked the students in their off-campus hostels also called ‘lodges’ located in the community.The source who pleaded anonymity said, two students died in the attack while many others were injured.
Confirming the incident in a telephone interview, the Rector of institution, Professor Godwin Onu said there was a clash between students and youths after the masquerades’ attack but stated that no death has been reported so far.
He disclosed that the School Management and the leaders of the community are leaving no stone unturned in order to calm the situation, adding that Mobile policemen from Awka and soldiers from Onitsha have been deployed to the area to maintain law and order.
According to him, “seven students sustained varying degrees of injury and they have been treated and discharged.”
On the alleged setting ablaze, the home of former Vice President Alex Ekwueme, the Rector described it as untrue. “I spoke with the Igwe of this community now and he said nothing of such happened”.
Anambra Masquerade (Ijele)
However, students of the school, Monday morning took to the streets to protest the alleged killing. According to an eyewitness, the masquerades attacked the students in their off-campus hostels also called ‘lodges’ located in the community.The source who pleaded anonymity said, two students died in the attack while many others were injured.
Confirming the incident in a telephone interview, the Rector of institution, Professor Godwin Onu said there was a clash between students and youths after the masquerades’ attack but stated that no death has been reported so far.
He disclosed that the School Management and the leaders of the community are leaving no stone unturned in order to calm the situation, adding that Mobile policemen from Awka and soldiers from Onitsha have been deployed to the area to maintain law and order.
According to him, “seven students sustained varying degrees of injury and they have been treated and discharged.”
On the alleged setting ablaze, the home of former Vice President Alex Ekwueme, the Rector described it as untrue. “I spoke with the Igwe of this community now and he said nothing of such happened”.
Anambra Masquerade (Ijele)
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